My Wife and Partner in Life
Laurie S Peres

In 1981, I met my soulmate, Laurie Greenberg who changed my life forever. From that first meeting Laurie was exciting and fun to be with. I was set up for a blind date following an evening class and I was waiting at the bar for that blind date to arrive. Laurie by chance happened to be at the Elmwood Inn sporting a broken leg. Laurie hobbled up to the bar and we hit it off right away. She had(and has) such a great wit and laugh. She immediately became a part of my life from our first chance meeting that night in February 1981. I knew pretty quickly that I had a new partner to share all my adventures with and when she was not there, I was not complete. Now more than 26 years later, I know how very special that chance meeting was. Her never ending love and joy in making our house a home for Jonathan and Leah has allowed me the confidence to climb all of "life's mountains" deriving great strength from her support and encouragement to take new chances

michael peres